SQL Lab 6

#1 Set the default value "George to the names in the animal table"
ALTER name SET DEFAULT 'George';

#2 How many CATS are born the same year? I want to see the total per sex and overall total. Display the name, dob, race_name, species_name, sex) (todo)
SELECT animal.name, animal.dob, race.name as "race_name", species.current_name as "species_name",  animal.sex, COALESCE(animal.sex, 'Total') Sex, COUNT(*) AS num_animal
FROM animal join race on race.id = animal.race_id join species on species.id = animal.species_id
WHERE YEAR(animal.dob) = (SELECT YEAR(animal.dob)
FROM species
WHERE species.current_name = 'cat')

#3 List all the animal(name, race_name) race name is longer then their name
SELECT animal.name as "Aname", race.name as "Rname"
FROM animal
JOIN race ON race.id = animal.race_id
where length(race.name) > length(animal.name);

#4 List all the Dogs with a mother OR a father. I want to see the (the Child's name, Child's race_name, Child's species_name, Mother's name, Mother's race_name, Mother's species_name, Father's name, Father's race_name, Father's species_name.)
select child.name as "Child's name" , child_race.name as "Child's race_name", child_species.current_name as "Child's species_name" , mom.name as "Mother's name" , mom_race.name as "Mother's race_name", mom_species.current_name as "mother's species_name", dad.name as "Father's name",  dad_race.name as "Father's race_name", dad_species.current_name as "Father's species_name" from animal child join animal mom on child.mother_id = mom.id
join animal dad on child.father_id = dad.id
left join race child_race on child_race.id = child.race_id join species child_species on child_species.id = child.species_id
join race mom_race on mom_race.id = mom.race_id join species mom_species on mom_species.id = mom.species_id
join race dad_race on dad_race.id = dad.race_id join species dad_species on dad_species.id = dad.species_id
where (child.father_id is not null or child.mother_id is not null) and (child_species.current_name = 'dog');

/* #5 Add the following animal in the database using a single query
Name: Minou
    Dob: 2009-01-15
    Sex: M
    Race: Nebelung
select 'Minou', 'M', '2009-01-15', id as race_id, species_id
from race
where name = 'Nebelung';

insert into animal(name, sex, dob, race_id, species_id)
select 'Minou', 'M', '2009-01-15', id as race_id, species_id
from race
where name = 'Nebelung';

#6 Alphabetically speaking, list the first and last 5 animal with a given name
(select name from animal
where (name is not null)
order by id asc limit 5)
union all
(select name from animal
where (name is not null)
order by id desc limit 5)
order by name;

#7 List all the animal whose name doesn't end by a vowel
FROM animal 
WHERE (name NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT name FROM animal WHERE name LIKE '%a' OR name LIKE '%e' OR name LIKE '%i' OR name LIKE '%o' OR name LIKE '%u'));

#8 List all the male and female cats and their price. Display their name, sex, price and total price. Group by race. Use the races price by default, if the animal dosn't have a race then use the species.price.
SELECT group_concat(distinct a.name), a.sex, COALESCE(NULLIF(r.price,''), s.price) as price, sum(COALESCE(NULLIF(r.price,''), s.price)) as "total_price", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT a.name, ': (', COALESCE(NULLIF(r.price,''), s.price),  ')' ORDER BY a.name SEPARATOR ', ') as "total price of species with name", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT a.name, ': (', s.current_name, ' - ', r.name, ')' ORDER BY a.name SEPARATOR ', ') animal
FROM animal a
JOIN species s
ON s.id = a.species_id
JOIN race r
ON r.id = a.race_id
WHERE s.current_name = 'cat' and (a.sex = 'M' or a.sex = 'F')
group by r.id;

#9 How much would it cost me to adopt all the CATS and DOGS in my databse? Group them by species. Display their name, price per animals, total price of species and total price of all the animals. Race price by default, then species if race price is null or doesn't exists
SELECT group_concat(distinct a.name), a.sex, COALESCE(NULLIF(r.price,''), s.price) as "price per animal", sum(s.price) as "total price of species",GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT a.name, ': (', r.price,  ')' ORDER BY a.name SEPARATOR ', ') as "total price of species with name",sum(COALESCE(NULLIF(r.price,''), s.price)) as "total price of all animals", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT a.name, ': (', s.current_name, ' - ', r.name, ')' ORDER BY a.name SEPARATOR ', ') animal
FROM animal a
JOIN species s
ON s.id = a.species_id
JOIN race r
ON r.id = a.race_id
WHERE (s.current_name = 'cat' or s.current_name = 'dog')
group by s.id;


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